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Table of Contents
Modder’s Bible of Events and Decisions
A list of different localization text keys
Emulation Guides
Vanilla Provinces and IDs
The Victoria 2 Utilities include
-Positions Editor: Modify where things appear in each province
-Validator: Check problems in your mod
-Scenario Editor: Change province ownerships among many other things (see the picture above on getting it working)
-MapChecker: Checks that positions are in the right place and that provinces are in only one state (untested in 3.04, please ping me if it works)
-ProvinceOwnership: A tool for editing province history files en masse: owners, controllers, cores and other things found in there. Makes ugly files, but they work.
- TranslationCopier: Only remotely useful if you plan on catering to people who play with French or German versions.
Text editors
Image editors
General Practices
General Text Editing Practices
- VERY IMPORTANT Make sure all files are saved in Windows-1252 (or ANSI) character encoding. Many modern programs will save in UTF-8, which will result in odd characters. Reference for which characters can be displayed by Victoria II:
- Use Spell and Grammar Checks
- Decision, modifiers, goods, items, etc. code should be in all lower case.
- Organize the content txt files in alphabetical order, when it makes sense to do so.
Event Best Practices
- Use localisation for event text rather than text in the code
title = “EVTNAME#########”
desc = “EVTDESC#########”
option A = EVTOPTA##########”
option B = EVTOPTB##########”, etc.
- Keep events in each file either in numerical order or group order for event chains in each file
- Use Audax Validator after any edits